Job Opportunities

Career Day
One highly effective way to increase visibility and contact with students at Caltech is through our annual Career Day. Organizations who attend have the opportunity to informally share company and job-related information with undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and staff. Career Day is typically held the third Thursday in February and a fee is charged for this service. Contact our office if you would like to receive information.

ASPIRE - Summer Employment
The ASPIRE (A Summer Position in Research or Engineering) program is designed to help you fill your summer and temporary positions with qualified and enthusiastic students. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate. While Caltech does not have a formal CO-OP program, many employers are impressed with the contributions made by our students in a 10 or 12-week period. ASPIRE positions are advertised to students from December through May in the bi-weekly ASPIRE Bulletin and on our home page. We can also arrange interviews or group meetings either separately or as part of your regular campus interview visit.

Job Listings
Even if you do not schedule campus interviews, we invite you to list your full-time, part-time, and summer job openings for Caltech students and experienced alumni. Positions will be made available both in the Career Development Center and on our World Wide Web site within 24 hours. Access is limited to Caltech students and alumni using the computer. This resource is currently used by all students and about 3,000 alumni. To list a position, call 1-800-999-8725. Another way to list positions for experienced alumni is through Caltech ProNet. For more information about this service, call 1-800-758-1944.

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