Group 471

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Amnesty International: Group 471

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Welcome to Amnesty International Group 471
in North San Diego County, California

The North County chapter is very active within the county, doing numerous presentations on human rights in the community at schools, churches, etc., and tabling at various street fairs, concerts and events. The Group also sponsors an annual Walk For Human Rights each December 10th at the Oceanside Pier, that draws between 200 to 300 participants each year. We generally do a summer event each year, either a play, concert or movie event for the public that involves human rights.

The Group is currently working on the apparent political killing in Zimbabwe of Captain Edwin Nleya, who was murdered after reporting evidence of poaching by the military. We are asking the government to prosecute those responsible. The group is also currently active in death penalty work, particularly here in the U.S., and participates in the Children's Campaign, Legislative campaigns, ratification actions and other monthly actions. The Group also publishes a quarterly newsletter with a mailing list of 350.

The group sells merchandise to raise funds for its activities, including Amnesty T-shirts, Amnesty baseball caps, and Amnesty coffee mugs.

New members are always welcome!
The group has a monthly business meeting the 2nd Monday and a work meeting the 4th Monday each month (except on holidays). We start at 7:00 PM, and rotate the meetings every quarter between member's homes throughout the North County of San Diego.

For further information contact the Los Angeles Western Regional Office, 310-815-0450,

Group 471 is one of many local affiliates of Amnesty International USA, which in turn is the United States national section of the worldwide Amnesty International movement. Founded in 1961, AI works impartially for the release of all prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for political prisoners, and an end to torture and executions (for further information, see the brief history and description and the text of the Statute of AI).

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