Group 471

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Our Action File: Rape Is a War Crime

S. Cal. Cluster

comments & suggestions

Amnesty International Group 471
Action File:
Rape Is a War Crime

Note that we are hosting a "guest" action until the web version of our "real" action file is prepared

"Rape is a War Crime: Arrest Now!"

A Month of Action for the Women of Bosnia (March - April 1998)
To press for U.S. leadership on the arrest of persons indicted for rape and other war crimes in Bosnia, the organizers of the Arrest Now! action are launching a Month of Action on International Women's Day. For one month, women's organizations, student groups and women and men throughout America will be encouraged to show that they care about justice for Bosnia and urge President Clinton to exercise U.S. leadership in NATO on the arrest of war crimes suspects. Events are being planned in cities across the United States throughout the month, including a major letter-writing and advocacy effort.
  • The Month of Action page at the Arrest Now! site, with additional information and suggestions for involvement.
  • The text of an Open Letter to President Clinton, from the same site. Here are suggested actions involving the letter (please work through HRW with this, instead of sending it directly to Clinton):
    • Print you name and address on the letter and fax it to (212) 736-1300 (attn: Ben Ward)
    • Mail the letter to: Arrest Now! Campaign, Human Rights Watch, 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10118
    • Call (212) 216-1842, mention the letter and leave your name and home town
    • Send an e-mail message to saying you'd like to sign on to the open letter and giving your name and home town.
  • A petition based on the letter, suitable for printing.

Links relevant to the "Arrest Now!" Action
Please note that listing of a link to a non-AI site is not an endorsement of its contents by Amnesty International.