April, 2014

USC Soccer Tournament | Lorenzo Cup
Caltech C Team


CaltechC participated in the Southwestern Chinese Students and Scholars Association (SWCSS) Soccer tournament on Sunday 4/20. Competing with Santa Monica City College and San Diego State University/Pasadena City College United in the group stage, our CaltechC team performed out of expectation.

With only 11 players that consists of PhDs, post-docs, visiting professor, and an undergraduate girl, Caltech's team is not only the oldest, but also the smallest in the entire tournament. Other teams on average has 20 players. Caltech drew 1-1 with Santa Monica City College, and lost 0-1 to San Diego State University/Pasadena City College United, who lost 0-3 to Santa Monica City College. Although our team did not manage to get to the semi-final stage, our team's performance surprised many. Also, our undergraduate player, Aileen Cheng, is the only female player in the entire tournament.

Team members and cheer group: Hao Chu, Yutao Qi, Yanyan Liu, Bin Tang, Yanan Sui, Yingrui Chang, Aileen Cheng, Chan U Lei, Dongyang Kang, Qiong Huang, Yufeng (Chase) Huang, Xiang Ni, Yan Jiang, Yuning Fu

Congratulations to the soccer team!

在2014巴西世界杯即将到来之际,足球的战火将在天使之城-洛杉矶,首次点燃。中起Los Angeles,北到Santa Barbara,南至 San Deigo,来自美国南加州地区的12所学校足球竞技者们已经准备就绪,一年一度的美西南大型足球盛会即将到来。

四月二十日,只要能来USC,每一位同学都可以亲临现场,同我们一起感受来自:Cal Tech,SDSU, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, CSUSB, PCC, Claremont Colleges, UCSB, SMC, USC, CSUF,十二所高校足球竞技者们同场竞技的盛况。观战的同时还有各种小礼品随机发送,小伙伴们,准备好为自己支持的球队欢呼呐喊了吗!!

此次美西南十二校男子足球联赛是南加州华人学生群体首次大规模足球竞技类比赛。 由美西南学生学者联合会(SWCSSA), 南加州大学学生学者联合会(USCCSSA)以及加州大学圣巴巴拉分校学生学者联合会(UCSBCSSA)共同主办,各大高校CSSA协办。共包含初赛、决赛、明星邀请赛三个部分。初赛将产生冠军争夺的两支队伍,其余队伍全部淘汰。

初赛地点:USC Cromwell 操场 (Annenberg学院对面)