Caltech Music Courses

Many people are unaware of the fact that Caltech offers a wide range of courses and performance opportunities to the students, staff and faculty. The Institute is committed to "encouraging students to think beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines" by providing an outstanding professional staff both at Caltech and through nearby Occidental College. Following is information on Music Courses offered by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences. For general information on performance organizations visit the Music Program Home Page. For information on specific performing organizations, visit the Choral Music or Instrumental Music pages.

Several music "tracks" are offered at Caltech with two courses taught each term. These include courses in the Music History Sequence, (6 courses which rotate continuously); the Music Theory Sequence, (3 courses taught in alternate years); an introductory course (Mu 121 - Understanding Music) for those with little to no music background, and several courses devoted to Special Topics (EE/Mu 107, Mu 122 & Mu 123. Most courses are taught by Thomas Neenan; EE/Mu 107 is taught by James Boyk. The music history courses (Mu 131-136), Understanding Music (Mu 121) and most of the courses devoted to special topics (Mu 122 - 123) feature a mixture of lecture, discussion, in-class listening and live performances, outside listening and reading assignments and occasional field trips to hear live performances by professional ensembles such as the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

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Music Program at Caltech

Last modified 9.9.96 by Cyrus Behroozi.