Cuts for Act 4, Scene 5

Rules for cuts:
If possible, we will provide the entire speech that contains the cuts.  If a
cut goes across speeches, we will provide enough before and after to show
how it fits in context.  We will provide the page number and the line # where
we start the current speech (not the line where the cuts begin).  If a speech contains
several cuts, we will indicate them in the same section and not one at a time.  If
a whole section of the scene contains suts, we will not break it up, but keep
the section intact and indicate cuts throughout the section.

Cuts are preceded by a '[' and end with a ']'.  If multiple speeches are cut, each
speech will be bracketed separately.

Special note:
This scene has been changed to Stanley reading a letter he has written aloud and
then passes to a messenger to convey it to Sir Christopher.

Page 127 - Top of scene.

Sir Christopher, tell Richmond this from me:
That in the sty of this most bloody boar
My son George Stanley is frank'd up in hold:
If I revolt, off goes young George's head;
The fear of that withholds my present aid.
So get thee gone; commend me to thy lord.
Withal say that the Queen hath heartily consented
He should espouse Elizabeth her daughter.
[But, tell me, where is princely Richmond now?]
[At Pembroke, or at Harford-west, in Wales.]
[What men of name resort to him?]
[Sir Walter Herbert, a renowned soldier;
Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanley;
Oxford, redoubted Pembroke, Sir James Blunt,
And Rice ap Thomas with a valiant crew;
And many more of noble fame and worth:
And towards London they do bend their course,
If by the way they be not fought withal.]
Well, hie thee to thy lord; I kiss his hand.
My letter will resolve him of my mind.