Why is it acceptable to say that \(CO_{2}\) levels at Mauna Loa, Hawaii are representative of \(CO_{2}\) levels around the world? – jsu |
The atmosphere is is a well-mixed system. Measurements at distant sites may fluctuate with respect to each other, but the long term trend is the same. |
Answer. I don't know, why?? – cvh |
Answer. Tap the flash card above once, then tap "Show Answer" on the bottom of the screen to see.(short answer: the atmosphere is well mixed). – jsu |
[2] |
A biography of Keeling's life and methods, documenting his persistent collection of accurate climate data in the face of variable funding and changing politics. – jsu |
Later, as a staff scientist at Scripps, Keeling developed a faster way to measure \(CO_{2}\) concentrations, using a device called a non-dispersive infrared spectrometer. – jsu |
[3] |
An interactive Keeling curve -- zoom in and out to explore the data on hourly, weekly, monthly, and yearly time scales, with data included all the way to the present day. – jsu |
[4] |
Seasonal variations are larger in the Northern Hemisphere because the Northern Hemisphere contains more plants. – jsu |
Combining the Keeling curve with historical data from ice cores, we see that the rise in \(CO_{2}\) levels is unlike anything the Earth has seen for hundreds of thousands of years. – jsu |
Question. Add a card with your own sketch of a key portion of the global carbon cycle, indicating where human activity has an impact. – cvh |
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/CarbonCycle/ (Units in Gigatons and Gigatons Per Year) – cvh |
Natural vs. Human-induced. The signals are distinct now.(Stocker et al., Technical Summary, Climate Change 2013, Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC) – cvh |
What do the shaded blue and purple bars represent? – jsu |
Error bars or estimated uncertainties in the climate models. We want to make sure differences we see are due to real effects, and not variability of models. |