Common Cause, Flyer, and Information Page

On October 9th, 1996 the citizen's group Common Cause released their findings concerning alleged campaign violations by the Dole and Clinton campaigns. The alleged violations were so severe that they formally requested that the U.S. Department of Justice name an independent counsel to investigate the charges. Common Cause has amassed a mountain of evidence which supports their charges and have, as the good citizens they are, released much of it into the public domain so that concerned citizens may familiarize themselves with the allegations and the evidence, and decide for themselves whether the charges made against the Democratic and Republican candidates and their committees are valid. This is not a trivial issue, and each voter should seriously consider the ramifications of these charges, a brief essay on why this is important can be found in the flyer. To help you understand this situation, I have collected as much supporting material as I could find, such as the text of the Common Cause complaint, some FEC guides, the text of some of the laws, and a recent Supreme Court ruling related to this topic, and placed them on this page.

Why I am involved, and how you can be too.

Here are links to information supporting the allegations made by Common Cause, or providing background information:

There are many sites dedicated to the issue of campaign reform which can by found by searching the web. Here is a list of such sites, carrying newspaper and magazine articles, TV shows, and original documents (in no particular order): Political Party sites Political sites
Why I am involved, and how you can be too.

This was written before the November 1996 election - obviously the events now unfolding cannot affect an election that is already past. I'm leaving it here because I hope that as time passes it may still provide some food for thought.

It takes quite a lot to get me involved in an issue. However, after reading all of the material that I could find, I was convinced that Common Cause's allegations are correct, and was faced with the appalling revelation that the two presidential campaign committees, and indeed, the candidates themselves, had engaged in criminal violations of the electoral statutes. I simply cannot vote for a man who will break the law to attain office, and I cannot sit idly by while others do so because they have not yet been sufficiently informed of the problem to come to the same conclusion. So, I am dedicating myself from now until the election to informing as many people as possible about this unparalleled situation. If, after reading the material below, you feel as I do, don't just sit there, get the word out! Print the flyer, take it to a copy shop, make as many copies as you can reasonably expect to distribute, and then hand them out at the nearest mall, sporting event, or other gathering place (note, you probably have to do that from the sidewalk outside - to do so inside requires that you fill out forms in advance, since you would be doing this on private property). Print those pieces of supporting information you find most persuasive and hand those out too. Give them to your relatives and friends, post them on bulletin boards. (Disclaimer, while the flyer quotes Common Cause extensively, it is something that I wrote, not them, so if you have a problem with it, direct comments to me.)

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This page last modified November 12, 1996
Author: David Mathog