Leaning Tower of Pisa EXAGGERATED (the picture may download slowly). Demonstrates that a Free Falling object moves with acceleration. Numbers along the vertical fall show the consequtive distances passed during the same interval of time (say 1 second for each interval).

Note the Pattern in these numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9... (even nimbers!) Their Sums are the Square Numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 ... They show total time needed to fall from the very top to the current level. "Slow" button shows the same process in slow-motion

Of course, this is NOT the real tower and NOT what Galileo did. The leaning tower of Pisa is only 58 m high and the object falls from its top very fast, in 3 to 4 seconds. Galileo used slanted planes to roll a ball in order to slow down the accelaration to be able to do practical measurements. But with computer modeling we can do any experiments we can think of...

Galileo used the Tower of Pisa to drop two different objects to see if they fall down simultaniously. They should in vacuum... Astronaut D. Scott (1971) dropped a hammer and a feather on the Moon. It worked! Click anywhere to drop. After "slow"ing need to Reload for fast mode.