Salary Summary

There were more industrial offers reported by B.S. and Ph.D. graduates for 1997 than in the past, and less reported at the M.S. level. All graduates showed a significant salary increase in the acceptances. These averages continue to be higher than the national averages prepared by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

As is frequently the case, Caltech graduates do not always accept the highest offer, since the average salary accepted can be slightly less than the average salary offered. Because salaries are not always reported by graduates or interviewing companies, one or two offers that are either very high or very low can affect the average significantly. Offers also can vary greatly depending on the discipline and the special qualities of the individuals candidates.

The salary information reported in the following tables by degree level and option offers a more accurate picture.

Offers Acceptances
Degree Year Number Mean Increase Number Mean Increase
B.S. 1993 39 $35, 935 -3.8% 26 $34,711 7.8%
1994 45 $35,895 -0.1% 30 $36,083 3.9%
1995 62 $37,784 5.2% 36 $37,871 4.9%
1996 95 $41,128 8.9% 45 $39,409 4.1%
1997 101 $43,443 5.6% 48 $43,657 10.8%
M.S. 1993 11 $40,909 -3.2% 6 $43,666 4.1%
1994 16 $44,075 7.7% 13 $44,246 1.3%
1995 19 $42,825 -2.8% 10 $41,976 5.1%
1996 8 $45,622 6.5% 5 $45,928 9.4%
1997 12 $55,541 21.7% 9 $51,222 11.5%
1993 46 $58,007 8.3% 24 $59,861 12.8%
1994 42 $56,550 -2.5% 27 $55,577 7.1%
1995 62 $61,478 8.7% 38 $59,438 6.9%
1996 50 $61,911 0.7% 30 $64,000 7.7%
1997 90 $65,802 6.3% 46 $64,962 1.5%

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